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Understanding the Cynefin framework – a basic intro

It was Kaizen Camp  when I first learned about the Cynefin framework. The first thing you might be wondering is how the heck you pronounce Cynefin. I know that was my first question. It is Kih-neh-vihn (/ˈkʌnɨvɪn/). The word is Welsh in origin and was coined by Dave Snowden in 1999.

What is it for?

In simplest terms, the Cynefin framework exists to help us realize that all situations are not created equal and to help us understand that different situations require different responses to successfully navigate them.

Different problems warrant different solutions

How often have you seen someone try to handle a difficult situation in an overly-simplistic way and then be really confused when it failed? If so, they could really benefit from an introduction to the Cynefin framework.

Cynefin visualized…

Dave Snowden, released under CC BY 3.0


You can see in the above diagram that there are 5 domains. What? You only see four? Don’t forget the dark mass of Disorder at the center.

The 5 domains explained

Cynefin categorizes problems into 5 domains…

bulleted descriptions below are [largely] as described in On Sense-Making, And Cynefin:

The boundaries of these domains are not hard. Based on activity, situations can bounce between domains or live on the borderlands between two domains.


So, the framework not only tells us how to approach a set of different situations, but the characteristics also explain enough to help us recognize the situation in which we currently reside. You can have great solutions, but if they are applied in the incorrect context, they will be worthless or worse, harmful.

This framework isn’t only useful for pointy-haired management people, it is useful for software developers and all other humans! This can be applied to many different vectors of life experiences. The net takeaway is that you need to pair the right approach with the corresponding situation to achieve optimal outcomes!

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