Everyday Kanban

Discussing Management, Teams, Agile, Lean, Kanban & more

Author: Julia Wester (page 9 of 42)

LeanAgile US: Boosting Agility by Scaling Your Decision-Making

I was very excited to be selected to speak again this year at LeanAgile US 2018 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. This is a great conference with knowledgeable and engaging speakers, a growing national audience and lots of positivity and learning. I recommend this up and coming conference for your 2019 plans!

My talk this year is about how to allow more people in your organization to make safe decisions inline with organizational intent so that we can move like a flock of birds – quickly shifting during flight, but in constant alignment. When we no longer have to stop to ask for a decision, we start to foster conditions in which agility can thrive and increase our chances of survival in the disruptive climate of the 21st century.

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This Week’s Video To Watch: Intent based leadership

I selected this week’s video to watch because I’ve been buried in books, videos and articles by Stephen Bungay and David Marquet in preparation for my talk next week at LeanAgile US in Fort Lauderdale. The combination of the two authors is perfect by the way… it gives you the historical context about and tactical implementation suggestions for Intent-Based Leadership (or Directed Opportunism as Bungay calls it.)

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This week’s video to watch: Pass Information, Not Instructions

I’ve been doing a lot of reading, watching and general researching in preparation for my talk “Boosting Agility by Scaling Your Decision-Making” at LeanAgile US later this month. It shouldn’t be a surprise that a key component to scale decision-making is to enable and prepare more people to make decisions. So, of course, I’m going to be reading and watching David Marquet.

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