Everyday Kanban

Discussing Management, Teams, Agile, Lean, Kanban & more

Month: March 2012 (page 2 of 2)

Culture busting: quality & speed, not quality vs speed!

One of the reasons many groups implement Kanban is to figure out how to deliver more consistently. Kanban, as well as many other methods/processes, is often chosen and implemented by the management or leadership layer and the values and goals are communicated down to developers or other individual contributors.

Part of the discussion between management and developers will focus on then end goal of streamlining cycle times as much as possible in order to deliver more consistently. This is also often described as delivering more often, delivering faster, etc. Developers may interpret that as “do whatever it takes to get it out the door as fast as possible.” Continue reading

infoDiagram.com: Great presentation icons

Recently I was scheduled to give a presentation on Kanban to a group of professionals. As I began searching around for images I was allowed to use for my presentation, I stumbled across http://www.infodiagram.com/. I can’t draw a straight line with a ruler, but with these toolkits I could make professional-looking kanban boards for my presentations. I can now avoid giving away any customer info (which would happen if I took screenshots) and the presentation boards are easily adjustable to show exactly what I needed. Sure, I spent just under $40 but got a really nice-looking set of Kanban icons I’ll be using for the foreseeable future.

After the purchase I got personalized customer service and coupon codes for further purchases. I also believe they are accepting submissions and you can get commission or other compensation. Check them out at http://www.infodiagram.com/.

A little insight into what’s available in the Kanban Toolbox on infoDiagram:

Kanban Project Management Toolbox (PPT icons & boards)

For more, visit http://www.infodiagram.com/diagrams/kanban-toolbox-template-ppt.html

3… 2… 1… Liftoff!

Hi, I’m Julia. Welcome to Everyday Kanban! I have been a technical manager for nearly 3 years. About one year into this job I learned about Kanban and I haven’t looked back. I’ve taken my time, implementing the principles one by one, but I’ve come to find that the culture shift in my mind and those around me has made a significant, positive change in my stress level at work. 🙂 So, now we’re here because I want to share Kanban with you and help it make your everyday just a little bit better — or maybe a lot! 😉

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